Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

Peace in Brattleboro

© für beide Fotos: Carl Weese

Carl schreibt zu seinem Projektbeitrag:

"Brattleboro is a very interesting city in The People's Republic of Vermont. Stopping for lunch at a place that simply bills "great Felafel" (and they were great) we walked around a bit after lunch and, despite all the WiFi access nodes and other signs of modernity, it felt a lot like being dropped back into the sixties.This Tee shirt was found at Sam's Outdoor Outfitters. It was also possible, there, to get a plain baseball cap without some sort of team or corporate logo on it, which is a feat not easily achieved in most of America.
The blue teeshirt at the left of the picture shows the front end of an 18-wheeler, as though looming at you, with the legend, "think fast, hippie." I found that so interesting that I almost missed the peace purse."

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